Latest Airship Enhancements Enable Seamless, Non-Disruptive Customer Engagement

Airship has unveiled new platform enhancements that provide marketers with unprecedented flexibility and control to personalize content and gather zero-party data directly within customers’ app experiences without causing disruptions.

“Airship has been at the forefront of developing new ways to personally communicate with customers since the early days of mobile — from notifications and in-app messaging to mobile wallets and Live Activities. Channel expansion will continue, but it’s clearer than ever that marketers must strive to meet customers’ experience expectations by elevating them rather than disrupting them. We’re giving marketers the power and control they need to shed developer reliance. Now marketers can go beyond messaging and interruptive approaches to seamlessly and precisely engage customers in their moments of attention,” said Brett Caine, CEO, Airship.

Key features  

Embedded Content: This feature enables dynamic, personalized content to be seamlessly integrated throughout apps, ensuring tailored value for all customers, including those who typically ignore traditional marketing methods.

Feature Flags: Marketers and developers can easily turn new no-code experiences and app features on and off. Controlled rollouts allow for confident testing and refinement before a full-scale launch, ensuring optimal effectiveness and reducing risks.

Cross-Platform Wallet Notifications: Airship introduces the industry’s first consistent method for messaging mobile wallet passholders across both iOS and Android. Through the Wallet Notifications API, brands can send messages to all customers with a mobile wallet pass, providing dynamic updates and personalized passes.

How can Embedded Content help marketers? 

Embedded Content marks a significant shift for marketers who have traditionally relied on interruptive techniques such as ads, emails, SMS, and notifications. This new no-code native app experience includes multiple customizable content blocks that can be placed anywhere within the app. This approach enables non-technical teams to personalize experiences for each user, collect feedback, and encourage high-value actions without needing continuous developer support.

In response to the growing trend of customers tuning out from marketing activities, evidenced by a decline in email open rates and social media engagement despite increased marketing email volumes, Embedded Content offers a non-intrusive alternative.

More about Feature Flags 

Feature Flags streamline controlled rollouts of app features and no-code native app experiences, such as Scenes and Embedded Content. This functionality provides marketers and developers with the freedom to innovate rapidly while minimizing risks and optimizing results before a wider rollout. For instance, a retailer could introduce a new loyalty program through an in-app Scene to a small audience, refining the execution based on feedback before expanding the rollout.

Features of Wallet Notifications API 

Airship's new Wallet Notifications API is a groundbreaking feature that allows brands to message mobile wallet passholders consistently across iOS and Android. This capability enables brands to dynamically update and personalize mobile wallet passes, keeping customers informed about loyalty rewards, coupons, tickets, membership benefits, special events, and more.

With these advancements, brands can fully exploit the potential of mobile wallet marketing. The ability to address anyone with a wallet pass through highly visible wallet notifications delivered to smartphone lock screens ensures unparalleled reach without requiring customers to download an app or visit a website. This provides businesses with a seamless way to offer consistent and streamlined customer experiences across different operating systems.

Elsewhere, Airship has released a host of enhancements that make experimentation and optimization of mobile customer experience easier.