Helpshift Addresses Multilingual Support Challenges with New Translation Tool

AI-driven customer support platform Helpshift has launched a new translation feature designed to streamline global customer interactions. The Language AI FAQ Translation tool enables businesses to instantly translate frequently asked questions into 74 languages with just one click. This eliminates the need for manual translation efforts and integrates into the FAQ editor to improve multilingual content management and foster global customer engagement.

As companies expand internationally, there’s a growing need for efficient management of multilingual content to ensure accessibility and provide up-to-date information. Helpshift’s data indicates that over 20% of FAQs are accessed in more than eight languages, highlighting the demand for this tool.

"With Helpshift's innovative approach to Customer Support and its continued leadership in AI and technology, this release represents a significant leap forward in delivering exceptional multilingual support experiences. The Language AI FAQ Translation is exactly what businesses need to reach global audiences without the hassle of dealing with third-party services or manual translations resulting in substantial cost savings. As companies continue to expand globally, the demand for streamlined multilingual content management has never been greater, making this launch both timely and impactful," said Eric Vermillion, CEO of Helpshift.

Support administrators often struggle with manually translating and updating FAQ content across languages, a process that demands time and expertise. Helpshift’s new feature automates this task, enabling businesses to update multilingual content instantly and ensuring timely and accurate information dissemination. This reduces translation costs while maintaining consistent quality and brand voice.

How does it work? 

Language AI FAQ translation provides key benefits, including expanded global reach by instantly translating FAQs, which enhances brand accessibility and appeals to a wider audience. It boosts resource efficiency by automating translations, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks. Improved customer experience is achieved through support in native languages, enhancing understanding and satisfaction.

Moreover, flexibility and precision are ensured with manual adjustments for cultural relevance and accuracy, while cost savings are realized by eliminating the need for expensive external translation services.

Using custom-trained engines, the solution provides precise translations that maintain the brand’s voice and terminology, ensuring consistent quality without external dependencies.

In today's interconnected world, providing exceptional customer service across multiple languages is crucial for business growth.