NICE has revealed the Spring 2023 release of CXone, which features new AI-powered tools to help businesses improve their customer experience interactions (CXi) and enhance their digital fluency. The release offers a comprehensive set of solutions to engage customers across different digital platforms and assist sales agents in providing seamless experiences. In addition, CXone's new offerings include improved digital reporting features that give an overview of agent performance across several digital channels over time.
“We are proud to launch another milestone that will allow our customers to leap forward in their journey to create AI-driven digital fluency. The ability to build and deploy smart bots along with new Enlighten sales models is a major competitive differentiator, delivering real-time guidance to sales agents to win new customers and drive massive revenue growth for brands,” said Barry Cooper, President of CX Division, NICE.
The CXone Spring 2023 Release streamlines development efforts with easy-to-use plug-and-play features. The new bot skills library provides a platform for bot builders to share their capabilities, which speeds up the development of smarter bots. With no-code templates, customers can easily create rich messaging across digital channels such as Google Business Messaging, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Apple Messages for Business. This provides agents with significant opportunities to offer richer interactions with customers on their preferred digital platforms.
Additionally, The CXone Spring 2023 Release introduces ten new sales-effectiveness Enlighten AI models that provide real-time interaction guidance to agents on the front line of revenue generation. These models are customized for sales agents and provide coaching during interactions, identifying potential opportunities and displaying performance metrics and behavior scores for immediate improvement.
At the beginning of the year, NICE integrated the CXone Expert with OpenAI's ChatGPT technology to create more realistic and human-like conversational experiences for customers without the need for agent assistance.