Zendesk Completes Acquisition of Klaus

A few weeks after entering into an agreement to acquire Klaus, Zendesk successfully finalized its acquisition of the AI-powered quality management company. This addition strengthens Zendesk's Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) solutions, complementing existing tools like Tymeshift, a contemporary workforce management tool tailored for Zendesk.  

"Workforce engagement management is key to not only meeting, but exceeding customer expectations. A traditional satisfaction score won't tell you everything you need to know. It won't tell you where there are gaps in your service, or where there are opportunities for coaching and additional training for your support teams. With Klaus as part of our WEM portfolio, we can empower businesses with the best AI-powered automated quality assurance in the market. By automatically assessing support using AI to pinpoint and fix gaps, AutoQA gives businesses 100 percent coverage of their customer conversations and a clear view of opportunities to improve, while removing the burden of manual review," said Adrian McDermott, Chief Technology Officer, Zendesk.

In an era where digital agents play a significant role in resolving service inquiries, the importance of a Quality Assurance (QA) solution analyzing both human and digital agent performance cannot be overstated. Klaus, as part of Zendesk's suite, excels in identifying conversations with positive or negative sentiments, recognizing outliers, assessing churn risk, handling escalations, and monitoring follow-ups across all interactions, including those managed by outsourced teams.

The platform identifies knowledge gaps and coaching opportunities to enhance agent performance and productivity, ultimately leading to elevated customer satisfaction levels. With the increasing reliance on digital interactions, this acquisition strategically positions Zendesk to maintain quality control and deliver top-notch customer service.

"As AI drives up the speed and frequency of customer engagement, only AI-powered QA can help companies keep up with rising customer expectations. While most QA software can only score up to 5 percent of CX interactions, Klaus automates QA across 100 percent of customer support interactions. It uses AI to identify patterns, predict issues and suggest solutions making it a vital tool that improves service quality, enriches the customer experience, and ultimately enhances the reputation and success of the organization," said Kair Käsper, co-founder of Klaus.

Elsewhere, Zendesk has unveiled significant AI advancements that enable companies to immediately achieve tangible benefits, including enhanced customer satisfaction, lowered expenses, and greater customer loyalty.