Salesforce Debuts Suite of Autonomous AI Agents for Every Business Department

Salesforce has unveiled Agentforce, a suite of autonomous AI agents that help employees handle tasks in service, sales, marketing, and commerce, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

According to the CRM giant, Agentforce provides "a limitless digital workforce of AI agents" who are able to analyze data, make decisions, and take action on tasks like answering customer service inquiries, qualifying sales leads, and optimizing marketing campaigns.

Agentforce is a more advanced version of traditional chatbots, which typically require humans to tell them what to do and struggle with complicated tasks. Unlike those older tools, Agentforce AI agents work on their own, pulling the right data, creating task plans, and carrying them out without needing help from people. It ensures every customer interaction is meaningful and, when necessary, hands off to human employees with a clear summary and suggestions for what to do next.

“Agentforce represents the Third Wave of AI—advancing beyond copilots to a new era of highly accurate, low-hallucination intelligent agents that actively drive customer success. Unlike other platforms, Agentforce is a revolutionary and trusted solution that seamlessly integrates AI across every workflow, embedding itself deeply into the heart of the customer journey. This means anticipating needs, strengthening relationships, driving growth, and taking proactive action at every touchpoint,” said Marc Benioff, Chair and CEO of Salesforce.

Variety of use cases

The brain behind Agentforce is the new Atlas Reasoning Engine, which is built on a proprietary system designed to simulate human thinking and planning. The engine works by evaluating user queries and, based on them, retrieving the most relevant data. Then, it builds a plan for execution grounded in trusted data.

This reasoning process allows Agentforce to autonomously reason, make decisions, and complete business tasks, all while delivering precise, factually accurate results.

Agentforce easily connects with Salesforce's automation tools, including MuleSoft, so businesses can use existing processes to expand Agentforce's capabilities without much effort.

It interacts with potential customers around the clock, answering their questions, handling concerns, and scheduling meetings based on information from the CRM and other data sources, allowing sales teams to focus on strengthening customer relationships.

It also offers personalized training sessions for sales teams, using Salesforce data and AI to help them practice pitches and handle objections specifically tailored to their ongoing deals.

For e-commerce teams, Agentforce simplifies tasks like setting up online stores, setting goals, creating personalized promotions, writing product descriptions, and providing data-based insights.

Agent Builder

Using low-code Agent Builder, organizations can create a job to be done for their agent by defining topics, writing natural language instructions within that topic, and creating a library of actions for it to choose from. They can also easily observe an agent’s plan of action and test their responses in Agent Builder.

“While others require you to DIY your AI, Agentforce offers a fully tailored, enterprise-ready platform designed for immediate impact and scalability. With advanced security features, compliance with industry standards, and unmatched flexibility. Our vision is bold: to empower one billion agents with Agentforce by the end of 2025. This is what AI is meant to be.” added Benioff.

The Agentforce Partner Network

The Agentforce Partner Network is a group of top companies, including Amazon Web Services, Google, IBM, and others, that have created over 20 tools and actions available on Salesforce’s AppExchange. These tools can be used to enhance or build new features for Agentforce, making it more customized for specific business needs. Companies can use these partner-built tools to work across multiple systems, not just Salesforce, and take actions automatically.

For example, IBM will offer a tool that helps businesses find new sales leads by gathering insights from various applications and data. Workday will provide tools to improve employee services. Other tools, like Google Workspace and Box, will help users create documents or find the right content for sales leads or opportunities.