Verint has announced that a major U.S. car rental company has chosen its innovative TimeFlex Bot to improve employee attrition.
“The Verint TimeFlex Bot is a game changer from beginning to end. It integrates with any existing contact center ecosystem and can be deployed in 30 days or less. Once deployed, agents can learn how to use the bot within minutes. The TimeFlex Bot improves employee attrition and delivers AI business outcomes, now.” says David Singer, Global Vice President, Go-to-Market-Strategy, Verint.

This tool aims to decrease turnover among the company's 400 contact center reservation agents. The TimeFlex Bot provides unlimited scheduling flexibility, improves schedule quality, and automatically assesses the effects of shift changes based on projected volumes, capacity, and performance.
It streamlines the scheduling process, enhancing agents' work-life balance and reducing the time managers spend on reviews and approvals.
The car rental company has joined Verint's customer base, following major retailers, multinational banks, and fortune 500 companies, who have all emphasized major improvements after leveraging the Verint's bots.