What Do Shoppers Value Most: Price, Content, or Reviews?

In the dynamic world of consumer preferences, the impact of ratings and reviews on brand performance stands out as a crucial focal point, as highlighted by Stackline's recent findings.

To further understand the significance of ratings and reviews and their impact on attracting shoppers, Stackline has introduced Shopper OS, a platform that compiles first-party data and provides a comprehensive view of the multifaceted omnichannel shopper.

Ratings and reviews have emerged as the most pivotal element for achieving brand triumph, outshining even pricing and inventory considerations. A survey by Emplifi showed the importance of reviews, as 87% of the consumers said that real-life customer reviews had a huge influence on their purchasing decisions.

Stackline sheds light on the impact of rating and reviews with six key insights from its survey:

  1.  Shoppers give top priority to reviews 

A survey of 50,000 shoppers has revealed that reviews take precedence over other factors like price, content, and even order fulfillment when making purchase decisions.

  1.  Brand leaders acknowledge the need for more reviews 

In a survey of 400 brand leaders, 87% expressed the requirement for increased reviews, while 81% emphasized the need for better ratings.

  1.  Challenges with review engagement 

Shoppers tend to be reluctant when it comes to leaving reviews. On average, they review just 0.2% of the products they buy. This is a widespread challenge across the connected commerce landscape, not limited to Amazon. It's no surprise that brand leaders are actively seeking solutions.

  1.  The quality of reviews varies 

When shoppers do leave reviews, they are not always glowing endorsements. On average, brands receive a 3.93-star rating. Except for apparel, brands in most departments fall below a 4-star rating on average.

  1.  Impact of five-star reviews 

Through a study leveraging Stackline's extensive data capabilities and the company's ability to facilitate reviews for the world's largest brands, they discovered that adding 20 five-star reviews to a product page leads to significant results. This includes an 8% increase in visitor traffic, driven by enhanced organic placement and a better brand image. Furthermore, conversion rates experienced an impressive 22% boost.

  1.  Determining the value of a 5-star review 

The actual value of a five-star review varies depending on the product. For high-consideration purchases like baby products, where shoppers meticulously scrutinize reviews, the average value of a five-star review is $472. In the case of high-priced items such as electronics, the value is $441.