Launches Email Automation for Seamless Customer Service has launched Email Automation, a solution designed to handle high volumes of email-based support inquiries efficiently. The system autonomously manages 80% of incoming email queries by harnessing generative AI, ensuring prompt and accurate responses 24/7. This solution seamlessly integrates with's omnichannel customer service platform and can support multiple languages, offering a comprehensive and personalized support experience.

"With Email Automation, we're revolutionizing how businesses manage customer email inquiries.'s Email Automation, powered by YellowG- our proprietary LLM, showcases a hallucination rate below one percent for highly accurate and contextually relevant responses. This well-timed launch aligns with our broader goal to transform customer service by solving complex enterprise challenges," said Raghu Ravinutala, CEO & Co-Founder,

Businesses often face challenges in effectively managing email inquiries, leading to customer dissatisfaction and financial repercussions.'s Email Automation addresses this issue by providing efficient email-based support, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Powered by Large Language Models (LLM), the solution excels at comprehending complex, unstructured emails, accurately identifying multiple intents, and determining the object and urgency of each email. It goes a step further by identifying the user and delivering contextually grounded responses based on user insights. As a result, the solution reduces ticket volumes by up to 80%. It improves first contact resolution by up to 20%, leading to a significant 60% reduction in operational costs associated with agent onboarding and training.

What are the main features?  

Utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP), the solution initiates workflows based on email intent, streamlining processes from retrieving answers from the knowledge base to escalation and agent transfer.

In cases where emails require human agent intervention, the system provides genAI- powered response assistance, enabling 30% quicker replies through automated response generation without compromising accuracy.

In addition, incoming emails are automatically classified based on intent, urgency, customer segment, etc., reducing the time spent by human agents in manually prioritizing emails by 30%.

The solution seamlessly integrates with leading ticketing and CRM systems such as Salesforce, SAP, and Zendesk, ensuring smooth information flow. This integration enhances personalized resolutions for customers and enables automated ticket creation and prioritization. Email Automation enables customer support teams with advanced features to efficiently manage and respond to email-based inquiries, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Elsewhere, has partnered with Infobip to enable enterprises with AI-driven customer support to deliver heightened customer experiences on a global scale.