Cresta Launches New Offerings to Provide Agents with Real-Time Guidance

Cresta has announced advancements in its human-in-the-loop AI capabilities aimed at transforming customer experience, boosting revenue, and slashing operational costs. These enhancements provide agents with real-time behavioral guidance based on proven strategies while also enabling customers to turn traditional quality management into a powerful performance driver.

"Cresta is laser-focused on pushing the boundaries of LLM-powered applications to identify specific agent and customer behaviors that have an enormous influence on core KPIs – these enhancements empower sales and CX leaders to quickly take immediate and targeted actions that really move the needle for their business," said Ping Wu, CEO of Cresta.

In November last year, Cresta added AI capabilities that help contact center agents and leaders make data-driven decisions to drive better CX outcomes.

Behavior Discovery 

Cresta has introduced Behavior Discovery, a solution aimed at uncovering actionable insights from unstructured conversation data. By leveraging proprietary large language models, Cresta enables contact center leaders to identify and define previously unknown behaviors that significantly impact outcomes such as customer satisfaction, sales conversion rates, and issue resolution efficiency.

Through automated processes, Behavior Discovery helps pinpoint effective conversational tactics tailored to specific KPIs or groups of top-performing agents. Natural language prompts and detailed filters allow for a precise focus on situation-specific best practices. Moreover, by analyzing the impact of each behavior across 100% of historical conversations, Cresta allows businesses to predict potential performance enhancements, paving the way for more informed decision-making and improved operational efficiency.

Generative AI Intents 

Another solution is the Generative AI Intents, a feature within Opera, its no-code AI command center, aimed at democratizing AI for enterprise contact centers. This innovative capability enables non-technical business leaders and platform administrators to develop and train custom AI models effortlessly using their organization's historical conversation data.

With a user-friendly, human-in-the-loop workflow, users can create the framework for new intent models through natural language descriptions and train them using Cresta's proprietary few-shot learning process, which involves labeling positive and negative examples from real conversations. The quality of each model is assessed using industry-standard benchmarks, ensuring accuracy before deployment, and enabling businesses to leverage dynamic rules and workflows seamlessly within the Cresta platform.

Hybrid Quality Management & Screen Recording 

Cresta has bolstered its automated quality management solution by integrating it with new tools and workflows, creating a hybrid approach that marries precise AI scoring with human evaluators' expertise. This enhancement not only streamlines the evaluation process but also bridges the gap between AI-driven efficiency and human judgment, leading to superior results in contact center quality management.

The unified grading view now offers a comprehensive evaluation platform, combining multi-monitor screen recordings with AI-annotated transcripts, thus providing evaluators with a holistic perspective for more efficient assessments. Moreover, auto-assignment and tracking features streamline the process of selecting and overseeing conversations for grading, while calibration workflows and benchmarking ensure fairness and consistency across evaluations. This integrated approach enables contact centers to transform their quality management programs, delivering better results at a reduced total cost.