Over 80% of Companies in North America Embrace AI for Enhanced Operations

AI adoption in customer service is skyrocketing, with a striking 84% of companies planning to or already using AI to revolutionize their operations, according to a new report by Yellow.ai. The research report titled "Betting Big on AI-First: Insights from Customer Service Leaders" explores the trends in AI adoption within North American customer service and contact centers.

“Our study reveals that North American customer service professionals are eager to adopt AI, inspired by the success of pilot projects. Even those who have yet to begin AI initiatives are motivated to join this movement and avoid falling behind. Looking ahead, nearly one-third (32.5%) of respondents plan to implement fully autonomous customer service operations. This involves AI systems handling 100% of customer interactions, with employees up-skilled to oversee, manage, and fine-tune the AI system in real-time. This readiness demonstrates the industry's embrace of future tech advancements, and we're enthusiastic about leading this evolution for our customers," said Raghu Ravinutala, CEO & Co-founder of Yellow.ai.

The research highlights that North American companies are intensifying their efforts to meet the growing demand for customer service automation, going from basic automation to comprehensive AI-first strategies. Initial initiatives across various organizations have focused on data collection and foundational setups, with some AI deployments already in operation. The study shows an increase in AI project executions in the near future, with 58% of respondents planning to integrate AI into their contact centers and customer service operations within the next year.

AI implementation across CX functions 

AI is functional across the entire customer experience (CX) spectrum. About 26% of organizations have already integrated AI within their customer service or contact center environments. Over 60% have automated customer-facing processes, and 51% have extended automation to back-end operations, indicating a broad adoption strategy.

Business objectives   

The primary drivers for AI adoption include increasing efficiency (75%), improving customer satisfaction (73%), and reducing operational costs (67%).

Rise of data-driven decision-making 

There's an increasing focus on customer service analytics and reporting, with 49% of organizations automating this area and 54% planning to implement AI for enhanced data insights.


Despite the enthusiasm, challenges remain. Integration with existing systems is a primary obstacle for 67% of respondents, followed by high implementation costs (36%) and data privacy concerns (33%).

Employee training 

Over half of the respondents (56%) are dedicated to upskilling or reskilling their workforce to work alongside AI technology.

With 61% of executives predicting positive customer responses post-AI implementation, there is clear confidence in AI's ability to enhance customer experiences. Companies already using AI in customer service exhibit strong confidence in their integrations, expecting fully positive customer reactions.