Skills Intelligence Startup Workera Releases Generative AI Skills Assessments

Skills intelligence startup Workera has released generative AI assessments that test, rate, and develop the skills in this area in the contemporary workforce.

With more than 1,000 users already signed up for a trial, the assessments cover three core skill areas, so-called 'domains,' within generative AI. The first domains to be assessed in generative AI are

  • ChatGPT, which delves into essential generative AI skills, including prompting, use cases, and optimization.
  • Generative AI itself, which covers foundational, non-technical concepts of generative AI such as how they work, real-world application, and ethical considerations.
  • LLMs which assesses technical knowledge of Large Language Models, including the ability of individuals to work with and optimize the performance of these systems.
"Generative AI will play an important role in shaping the future workforce – increasing productivity in many careers. It used to take years to adopt a new technology shift, but today is different. Our teams at Workera have worked tirelessly to allow people to measure, understand, and close their skills gaps in Generative AI," says Kian Katanforoosh, CEO and co-founder of Workera.

This release aims to allow organizations to understand their employees' strengths and weaknesses in AI and identify any potential skill gaps and training needs. As a result, leaders can organize targeted training programs to fill in skill gaps in the workforce and keep employees competitive.

"Our new suite of Generative AI assessments is the most comprehensive GenAI skills assessment in the market, measuring skills from the fundamentals of large language models, to prompt engineering, business specific-use cases and responsible deployment. It is available for both technical and non-technical audiences. Our psychometricians are also establishing skills benchmarks that will be available soon," added Katanforoosh.